1704 S. Baehr St.
Wichita, KS 67209

Library Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30



Library Email

Kansas Geological Foundation

Affiliate Society
of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (A.A.P.G.)

Kansas Geological Society & Library

Robert F. Walters Digital Geological Library

Library Resources

Available from Kansas Geological Society Library and the Robert F. Walters Digital Geological Library.

Kansas Oil and Gas Well Data and Documents

ACO1 Report/Drillers Log
Alternative Cementing
Bond Log
Borehole Image Analysis
Chevron Scout Ticket
Collar Locator Log
Combination Log
Completion Card - IOG
Computer Analysed Log
Core Description
Density Log
Dip Log
Directional/Deviation Survey
Drill Stem Test
Drilling Time, Unplotted
Dual Induction Log
Electric Survey/Ll Log
Fluid Travel Log
Frac Finder Log
Gamma Ray Log
Gamma Ray Neutron Log
Gas Analysis
Geologic Report (Plotted)
Geologic Report (Typed)
LAS Version 2.0
Laughlin-Simmons Elev
Lease Document
Marathon Scout Ticket
Micro Log
Miscellaneous Log
Natural Gamma Ray Log
Neutron Density Log
Neutron Density Log (w/Micro)
Pit Document
Production Report
Proration Report
Pure Oil Scout Ticket
Radiation Guard Log
Scout Ticket
Shell Scout Ticket
Skelly Scout Ticket
Sonic Log
Sonic Log TD-Surface Log
Strip Log (Davies)
Strip Log (PDT & SR)
Strip Log (PDT only no SR)
Strip Log (SR only no PDT)
Strip Log (unknown type)
Temperature Surveys Log
Thermal Decay Log
UIC Annual Report
Water Analysis
Well Abandonment
Well Completion Report
Well Intent To Drill
Well Plugging Report
Well Test

1,138,919 paper documents are available from the Kansas Geological Society Library.

3,008,606 digital documents (images) are available from Robert F. Walters Digital Geological Library.


Cross Sections
Field Conference Guide Books
Type Logs for Western Range Counties
Maps of Western Kansas with Well Spots and Selected Tops
Nomenclature Cards of Official Field