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Wichita, KS 67209

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Monday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30



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Kansas Geological Foundation

Affiliate Society
of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (A.A.P.G.)

Kansas Geological Society & Library

Robert F. Walters Digital Geological Library


Upcoming Technical Talks

Past Technical Talks

Spring 2024

  • June 26 - "Helium Exploration in the Rio Grand Rift" - Bruce Black, Black Exploration
  • June 12 - "Rethinking the Woodford Petroleum System in Oklahoma" - John McLeod
  • May 22 - "Groundwater Remediation of the Gilbert and Mosley and North Industrial Corridor Sites in Wichita, KS" - Darren Brown, City of Wichita - This talk available in-person or on Zoom
  • May 08 - "Correlation of Late Permian (Ochoan) Rustler, Alibates, Day Creek, and Lower Cloud Chief Formations from West Texas and New Mexico to Oklahoma and Kansas" - Ken Johnson, Retired, OGS
  • April 24 - "The Future of Energy Geoscience - An Abundance State of Mind" - Claudia Hackbarth, AAPG President
  • April 10 - "Natural & Simulated Geologic Hydrogen in the Midcontinent" - Franek Hasiuk, Sandia Labs
  • March 27 - "Ordovician Source Rocks: The Primary Origin of Pre-Pennsylvanian Produced Oils in South Central Kansas" - Brian Wilhite - This talk available in-person or on Zoom
  • March 13 - "Petroleum Prospectivity in 1850s North America" - Ray Sorenson - This talk available in-person or on Zoom
  • February 28 - "Preliminary Assessment of the Phosphate and Rare Earth Element Potential in the Upper Woodford Shale of the Lawrence Uplift, OK" - David Hull, Practical Geosciences & Petrography, LLC - This talk available in-person or on Zoom
  • February 14 - "Mid-Continent Geological Library" - Rick Miller, Lance Ruffel O&G
  • January 24 - "Hydraulic Fracture Triggered Earthquakes in Oklahoma" - Dr. Jake Walter, OGS
  • January 10 - "Identifying Value in Oil Field Brines" - Brent Wilson, Galvanic Energy

Fall 2023

  • December 13 - "Trends in Midwest Energy Infrastructure Development" - Dr. James Kalbas, Director, Kansas Geological Society
  • November 08 - TBD - Rex Buchanon, Director Emeritus, Kansas Geological Survey
  • October 25 - "MVT Mineral Deposits and Their Relationship to Petroleum Systems" - Dr. Jay Gregg
  • October 11 - "Reconnaissance Geological Observations of the February 6, 2023 Earthquakes in Turkiye" - Dr. Richard Koehler
  • September 27 - "Syracuse Basin in Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado Results From Dissolution of Permian Flowerpot and Blaine Salts" - Dr. Ken Johnson and Glenn H. Timson
  • September 13 - "Recognizing Hydrothermal Fluid Flow by Combining Petrography, Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry, Burial History, and U-Pb Dating" - Andrew Hollenbach, University of Kansas
  • August 09 - "A Sneak Peek of the Mid-Continent Section Convention" - Dr. Molly Turko, Co-Chair

Spring 2023

  • June 14 - Dr. Stephen Oborny - Kansas Geological Survey - Evaluating the Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin and Nomenclatural Reconciliation within the Pennsylvanian Subsystem
  • May 24 - Bob Hemmann - Geologist, Doe Run - Mining in the St Francis Mountains, MO - POSTPONED
  • May 10 - Ryan Hoffman & Corri Rees - Kansas Corporation Commission - Abandoned Well Discussion
  • April 26 - Dr. Joseph Mazumdar - Editor, Exploration Insights - Fables of the Reconstruction-Flawed Road to a Carbon-Neutral Economy
  • April 12 - William Copeland - Coffeyville Resources - Refining Past, Present & Future
  • March 22 - Dr. Thomas Benson - VP Lithium Americus Corp - The Origin of the Thacker Pass Lithium Deposit, the Largest Known Lithium Resource in the US
  • March 08 - Dr. Landon Burgener - Brigham Young University - Cretaceous Climates: Mapping Paleo-Koppen Climatic Zones Using a Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Lithologic, Paleontologic, and Geochemical Proxies
  • February 22 - Dr. Lee Krystinik - Tulsa - Sane, Sensible, No-Regrets Options for Energy in a Climate-Crazy World
  • February 08 - Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian - Kansas State University - TBA
  • January 25 - Dr. Franek Hasiuk - University of Kansas - Petroleum Geology Students Field Studies
  • January 11 - Dr. Cheryl Seeger - Missouri Geological Survey - Taum Sauk Dam Failure

Fall 2022

  • December 14 - Salt Karst in the Greater Permian Evaporite Basin of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado - Dr. Ken Johnson, OSU
  • November 09 - Local Seismicity Observations Near Wellington, Sumner County KS - Dr. Georgios Tsoflias, University of Kansas
  • October 26 - Rovers on Mars - Dr. Sarah Lamm, University of Kansas
  • October 15 - Structural Features in GOM - Dr. Irina Filina, University of Nebraska
  • September 28 - Climate and Sea Level Change - An Historic Perspective - Dr. Jay Gregg, OSU
  • September 15 - Salt Karst in the Greater Permian Evaporite Basin of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado - Dr. Ken Johnson, OGS
  • August 24 - MCS AAPG Field Conference - Dr. Wan Yang, University of Missouri Science & Technology
  • August 10 - "Potential for REEs and Other Critical Minerals in Large Evaporitic Bodies" - Dr. Julie Bloxson
  • July 20 - "Overview of Geologic Modeling and Interpretation at the Hanford Site, Washington State" - Sarah Springer - Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo)

Spring 2022

  • June 22 - "Determining the Provenance of the Ogallala Formation: Sedimentary Petrology of the Ogallala Formation, Southern High Plains, West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, USA" - Dr. Carla Eichler, Oklahoma Geological Survey
  • May 11 - "Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI for Independent Petroleum Geologists and Independent Oil and Gas Companies: Successful Case Study, Rodessa Oil Pool, Martinville Field, Simpson County, Mississippi" - Bill Fairhurst, President Riverford Exploration LLC, The Woodlands, TX
  • April 27 - "Early Cambrian Intra-Continental Rifting and the Evolution of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacoge: An Assessment of Our State of Ignorance" - Andrew Cullen, SVP Warwick (retired)
  • April 13 - "Taking Seismic Geomorphology to the Next Level with Machine Learning" - Dr. Heather Bedle, OU
  • March 23 - "Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico" - Dr. Camelia Knapp, OSU
  • March 09 - "Early Development of a Novel Formation Imaging Tool for Cased Hole Wells" - Robert Davis, Schlumberger (retired)
  • February 23 - "The Tectono-Stratigraphy and Basin Fill Architecture of the Atoka-Desmoinesian Succession, Arkansas-Arkoma Basin" - Mac McGivery, University of Arkansas
  • February 09 - "New Interpretations of the Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Siluro-Devonian Rocks in Exposures Along the Western Margin of the Illinois Basin" - Brian Wilhite
  • January 26 - "Big Sandy Oil Field, Woodson County, Kansas" - student presentation; "Critical Minerals in Coal Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin" - Dr Hasiuk presentation - Zach Grosch and Riley Biel - KU Petroleum Geology students; Dr. Franek Hasiuk - KU Petroleum Geology professor
  • January 13 - Topic TBA - Dr. Karin Goldberg, KSU, SIPES and KGS

Fall 2021

  • December 16 - Topic TBA - Dick Schremmer, National Stripper Well Association, SIPES
  • December 08 - "Past, Present and Future of Seismic" - Jaime Jimenez, Paragon Geophysical
  • November 16 - Topic TBA - Mark Mills, Manhattan Institute, SIPES Program
  • November 10 - "Geomechanical Assessment of the Carbonate Reservoirs for CCUS, Patterson Field, Kearny County, Kansas" - Dr. Jenny Meng, Kansas Geological Survey
  • November 03 - "Seeking Signs of Ancient Life in Jezero Crater withe the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover: Revisited" - Dr. Katie Stack Morgan, Jet Propulsion Lab - NASA

Spring 2021

  • June 30 - Structural Analysis of the Wichita Uplift and Structures in the Southeast Anadarko Basin, Southern Oklahoma - Dr Molly Turko, University of Oklahoma
  • June 16 - "Forest City/Cherokee Basin Study" - Dr Stephen Oborney, Kansas Geological Survey
  • June 02 - TBD - Dr David Newell, Kansas Geological Survey
  • May 26 - "Facts vs Fear: What Does the Data Tell Us About Climate Change and the Future of Energy?" - Dr Lee Krystinik, Equus Energy Partners, and Tara Benda, President TGS, General Chair AAPG MCS Convention
  • May 05 - "Geologic Hazards in the Haines, Alaska Area" - Liz Cornejo, Constantine Metals
  • April 21 - "Using Mechanical Experimentation to Explore Reservoir Response and Bringing the Oklahoma Geological Survey into a Blue-Green Economy" - Dr Nicholas Hayman, Director, Oklahoma Geological Survey
  • April 07 - Perspectives on Machine Learning in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development - Dr Kurt Marfurt, Oklahoma University
  • March 24 - "Chicxulub Did Not Kill the Dinosaurs and Everything Else!" - Dr Neal Immega, Retired Paleontologist
  • March 10 - Reducing the Risk of Another Texas 2021 by Implementing UNGS, CCUS, CAES, HS, and RTES - Dr Hannes Leetaru, Illinois Geological Survey
  • February 24 - "Making (Ungainly) Strides Toward Team-Building" - Gretchen Gillis, AAPG President Elect
  • February 10 - "presentation titles TBA" -- students of Dr Tony Walton, University of Kansas

Fall 2020

  • December 02 - "New Late Cretaceous Shark from Mitchell County, KS" -- Michael Everhart, Wichita
  • November 18 - "Movement of Disposal and Formation Water in the Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle Group in Kansas" -- Dr David Newell, Kansas Geological Survey
  • November 04 - "Quo Vadis" -- Michael Pollak, Tulsa
  • October 14 - "Energy in the Time of COVID" -- Dr Scott Tinker,  Bureau of Economic Geology
  • September 30 - "The Past and Future Seismic Hazards in Oklahoma" -- Dr Jake Walter, OGS
  • September 16 - "Dust in Permian Equitorial Pangea" -- Dr Gerilyn Soreghan, Chair Geology & Geophysics Department, Oklahoma University
  • September 02 - "Milankovitch Climatic Signals and Stratigraphic Completeness of the Ernst Tinaja Section of the Upper Cretaceous Deep-Marine Eagle Ford Formation, Big Bend National Park, Texas" -- Dr. Wan Yang, Missouri University of Science & Technology

Spring 2020

  • June 03 - Dr Gerilyn Soreghan - Chair, Geology & Geophysics Department, Oklahoma University - "Dust of Africa"
  • May 20 - Dr Seyedaleli Abbas - Oklahoma Geological Survey - "An Integrated Sedimentology and Reservoir Quality Assessment of teh Pennsylvanian Middle Hoxbar Group in the Anadarko and Marietta Basins Oklahoma"
  • May 06 - Dr Neil Suneson - Oklahoma University - "Roadside Geology of Oklahoma"
  • April 22 - J Michael Party - President, AAPG - "Permian Basin"
  • April 08 - Mike Everhart - Sternberg Museum - "Cretodus houghtonorus - A New Shark from the Late Cretaceous of Kansas"
  • March 25 - K David Newell - Kansas Geological Survey -"Movement of Disposal and Formation Water in Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle Group in Kansas"
  • March 11 - Dr Jennefer Roberts - Chair, Department of Geology, Univ of Kansas - Hi Lewis - 
  • February 26 - Michael Smith, PhD - President Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy, Tulsa - "AHS, VAS Cuttings Well Logs"
  • February 12 - Bill Coffey, PhD - "Energy is NOW a New Concept"  
  • January 29 - KU Student Presentations - Dr Anthony Walton, Professor
    Matt Kelly and Niji Ajobiewe - "Demand NW and Bison Cliff Fields Lane County"
    Razan Alzayer and Hasan Karaimi - "Triangle Field Thomas County"
    Romesha Abimbola - "Lela Field Pratt County"
  • January 01 - Bill Coffey, PhD - Managing Director Chimney Hill Energy Partners - "Energy is NOW a New Concept"

Fall 2019

  • November 20 - "Alexander Von Humboldt: Observations and Theories Regarding Petroleum" -- Raymond P Sorenson
  • October 23 - "Integrating Seismic Attributes and Well Logs in Reservoir Characterization: Predicting Porosity for Reservoir Facies, Wellington Field Kansas" - Luke Rijskogel    (abstract)
  • October 05 - Event - AAPG Mid-Continent Section Field Conference - Wichita, KS - October 5-9, 2019 - Toby Eck General Chair
  • September 18 - "Granite Wash - Anadarko Basin" - Kristie Luchtel Ferguson - Tulsa *rescheduled from May 8*
  • September 04 - "Turn Public Oil & Gas Data into an Asset" - Kyle & James Stephenson

Spring 2019

  • May 18 - Event - AAPG Convention - San Antonio, TX - May 18-22, 2019
  • April 24 - "Anadarko Basin" - Rick Fritz - Tulsa
  • April 10 - "OSU Students Field Studies" - Jim Puckette - Oklahoma State University
  • April 04 - Event - AAPG DPA Playmakers - "Moneymakers" - Oklahoma City, OK
  • March 21 - "Regional-Scale Characterization of the Arbuckle Group's Depositional History and Cap Rock Facies Variation and Their Role on Arbuckle Reservoir Characteristics and Saltwater Injection" - Kurt Rottman - Oklahoma Geological Survey
  • March 16 - Event - MCS AAPG Student Imperial Barrel Competition - Devon Energy Corporation
  • March 15 - Event - MCS AAPG Student Expo - University of Oklahoma
  • March 08 - "Minerals Exploration Alaska" - Steve Borell, PE - Borell Consulting Services LLC - Anchorage, AK
  • February 20 - Topic TBA - Dr. Rolph Mandel - Director, Kansas Geological Survey & Dr. Franciszek Hasiuk & Eugene Holubnyak - KGS Energy Section (Lawrence, KS)
  • February 08 - "Rock Typing and Its Application to Petroleum Geology" - Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian - Kansas State University
  • January 30 - "KU Student Pool Studies - Dr. Tony Walton - University of Kansas

Fall 2018

  • November 28 - "What I have Learned - Thoughts for the Young...and More Seasoned" - Presentation by Scott Taylor - Panhandle Geological Society
  • November 07 - "Oklahoma Shale Resource Plays" - Dr. Brian Cardott - University of Oklahoma
  • October 26 - "TBA" - Dr. Karin Goldberg - Kansas State University
  • October 17 - "Digital Testing" - Jacob McCallie - Diamond Testing
  • October 12 - AAPG Mid-Continent Section Field Conference  - University of Nebraska Lincoln - Oct 12 - 14, 2018
  • October 03 - Kansas Geological Society Workshop - Presented by the Kansas Geological Survey - Oct 3, 2018 1pm-3pm
  • September 26 - "The Arbuckle Story - Sooner Waters Go North" - Frank Mize
  • September 21 - "Rock Stars - Pioneering Women in Petroleum Geology" - Wichita State University Geology Department Room 101
  • September 12 - "Identification & Characterization of Faults & Folds Using Borehole Electrical Images" - Robert Davis Retired Schlumberger

Spring 2018

  • May 29 - "Hedging Oil Futures" - Jim McCallie HedgeRight Energy Solutions
  • May 01 - "Real Time Downhole Pressure Tool" - Paul Simpson Trilobite Testing
  • April 20 - "Oil in the 21st Century and Future Challenges" - Ray Leonard Anglo-Eurasia LLC
  • April 03 - SIPES Foundation - Incised Valleys "Sorrento Field, West Padroni Field and Reimers Channel Nebraska"- Phil McKenna, Keith Marks and Don Hembre - This will be a film presentation - Brown Bag Film Series at 12:00 PM
  • March 27 - SIPES Foundation - Incised Valleys "Stateline Trend"- Rod Tillman - This will be a film presentation - Brown Bag Film Series at 12:00 PM
  • March 20 - SIPES Foundation - Incised Valleys "Exploring Channels and Valley Fill Systems"- Dr Stephen Sonnenberg - This will be a film presentation - Brown Bag Film Series at 12:00 PM
  • March 06 - "Alternate Sources of Energy" - Dr William H. Wentz, Jr. - WSU College of Engineering
  • February 20 - "Geosteering Horizontal Wells" - Film Presenttion
  • January 23 - Field Studies - KU Petroleum Class Dr. Tony Walton
  • January 16 - "Rotary Sidewall Coring / Core Vault" - Elwood Vogel Halliburton

Fall 2017

  • December 19 - "Multi-lateral Horizontal Drilling: A game-changer in the NW Stack play" - Frank Dano    "Deep Stack: Exploration of the over-pressured Meramec Shale in Blaine & Dewey Counties OK" - Rick Fritz
    "Early Entry into NW Stack" - Doug Pethoud
    Film Presentation from AAPG DPA Mid-Continent Playmakers Forum
  • December 05 - "Engagement in the Debate: Earth and it's Climate" - Dennis Hedke
  • November 21 - "Mississippi Lime: Kinematics of a Play" Structure, Reservoir Characterization and Production Performance of the Mississippi Horizontal Play - Shane E. Matson Geologist Bluejacket Energy - This will be a film presentation
  • November 15 - "Forest City Basin - Structual Control on Production" - Marvin Carlson
  • November 07 - "Mid-Continent Leftovers" - Ray Sorenson
  • October 24 - "Mid Cretaceous through Paleogene North American Drainage Reorganization and Gulf of Mexico Drainage Intergration from Zircons" Houston Geological Society Dr. Mike Blum University of Kansas - This will be a film presentation
  • October 11 -"Conventional Oil in Conventional Places Down Under" - Woody Leel, Chairman Kansas State University Geology Advisory Council
  • September 19 - "The Second Half of Plate Tectonics: Finding the Last 200 MA of Subducted Lithosphere and Incorporating it into Plate Reconstruction"  Houston Geological Society Dr. John Suppe, University of Houston - This will be a film presentation

Spring 2017

  • May 31 - Field Studies - WSU Petroleum Class Larry Richardson
    Horchem and Horchem NW Pools in Gove County - Josh Schmidt Pat Creek Pool in Kingman County - Bryant Horner
  • May 16 - RN.docx"Borehole Imaging: Introduction & Case Studies" - Randy Nitz - President Exploration & R&D - Tucker Energy Services
  • May 02 - "PBS Nova: Life's Rocky Start" - This will be a film presentation
  • April 17 - "Thermal History of the Mid-Continent" - Bob Goldstein
  • April 06 - "Joint Meeting with SIPES @ Petroleum Club - Lunch Buffet is $20.00" - Dick Stoneburner  NOTE: time is at 11:45AM
  • March 21 - "James Hutton : Deep Time"  - " William Smith & the Map that Changed the World" - This will be a film presentation
  • March 07 - "Influence of the Pratt Anticline and Central Kansas Uplift on the Geometry of Mississipian Carbonate Depostional Packages, Mid-Continent USA" - Preston Doll
  • February 28 -  Meet & Greet with AAPG Mid-Continent" - Mid-Continent Board
  • February 21 - "The Tri-State Mining District - A Tale of the Beguiling Mississippian" - Leah Kasten, Geologist, CMX, Inc.
  • February 07 - "Oil Men - Tales From the South Texas Oil Patch" - This will be a film presentation
  • January 24 - Field Studies - KU Petroleum Class Dr. Tony Walton Rachel Bender & Brian Chan - Morton & Morton SE Fields, Reno County
    John Intfen & Joe Kimbrell - Ogallah South Field, Trego County Chance Malott & John Meloan - Konda SE Field, Ford County
  • January 17 - "Disaster! Fire, Storms & Other Catastrophes in the Early Kansas Oilfields" - Ardath Lawson Kansas Oil Musuem

Fall 2016

  • December 06 - TBD - Film Presentation
  • November 17 - The Rocky Mountains: Documentary on the Creation of the Rocky Mountains - Film Presentation
  • October 04 - "Unconventional Resources" - A Film Presentation
  • September 20 - "Gas Detector Trouble-Shooting in the Field and Introduction of the Corvascope Re-born" - Keith Reavis
  • September 01 - "Re-Thinking Cuttings" - Bill Chandler

Spring 2016

  • May 31 - WSU Petroleum Class Field Studies  "Willowdale Pool, Kingman County, KS" - Ryan Davis, Garret Dinkel, Scott Schurwanz "Guzzlers Gulch North Pool, Ness County, KS"  - James Beilman
  • May 24 - " Subsurface Lower to Middle MIssissippian Stratigraphy and Petroleum reservoirs in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma" - Sal Mazzullo, Mazzullo Exploration, LLC, Professor Emeritus, WSU Geology Department.
  • May 17 - A Day of Films - We will have a "catch-up" day showing at least 6 hours of films.  We will run more of the SIPES series on Exploring Channel and Valley Fill Systems plus other tapes of interest.  9:00 AM - noon, break for lunch, resume films at 1:15 PM.  We will have beverages available but lunch is on your own.  Either sack lunch or dine out but beverages will be available.  We will put out a donation jar to help cover drink costs. 
  • April 19 - "The Search For New Exploration Plays....When Only The Best Will Do" - Julie Garvin, President of Roxanna Oil  (Abstract)
  • April 05 - "Exploring Channels and Valley Fill Systems" - a 60 min. film presentation. SIPES Foundation, Steve Sonnenberg; The Stewart Field, Finney Co. is discussed in detail.
  • March 22 - "Sequence Stratigraphy Part 2" - (film) - David T. Allison, Ph.D. University of South Alabama
  • March 15 - "Sequence Stratigraphy Part 1"  (a film presentation) - David T. Allison, Ph.D. University of South Alabama.
  • March 01 - "Yes, Humans Really Are Causing Earthquakes" - Justin Rubinstein, Research Geophysicist, USGS.              
  • February 23 - "Assembling North America" (a film presentation) - Michael E. Wysession, Professor of Geophysics, Washington University in St. Louis
  • February 09 - "History of Plate Motions - Where and Why" - Michael E. Wysession, Professor of Geophyics, Washington University, St. Louis (this will be a film presentation)
  • February 02 - "Anatomy of an earthquake - Sumatra" - Michael E. Wysession, Professor of Geophysics, Washington University - St. Louis  (This will be a film presentation)
  • January 26 -

    " KU Petroleum Class Student Presentations" - Dr. Anthony Walton's students 

Fall 2015

  • December 09 - "Update on Induced Seismicity Studies at the Kansas Geological Survey" - Lynn Watney
  • November 16 -  "History of Nuclear Frac'ing in the U.S.:  Have We Learned Anything?" -
    Neil H. Suneson, Oklahoma Geological Survey
  • October 20 - "Kansas Oil Museum" - Warren Martin, Director
  • September 29 - "How Telescopes Changed Our Understanding Of Our Universe" - Fred Gassert, Kansas Astronomical Observers
  • September 22 - "Mid-Mississippian Weaubleau Structrue" - Kevin Evans, Missouri State University Click Here For Abstract

Spring 2015

  • May 26 - Larry Richardson's WSU Class -   "Field Studies"
  • May 18 - "From Chaos to Confucius: Making sense out of the Mississippian Reservoirs of Northern Oklahoma"  - Shane Matson    Bio and Abstract          
  • April 28 - " New Environmentally Friendly and Safe Solutions for Acidizing Techniques" - Kyle Taylor, Earthborn Clean Products
  • April 23 - "Pressure Architecture of Selected Sedimentary Basins: Implications for Oilfield Brine Disposal in Oklahoma" - Dr. Jim Puckette, OSU
  • April 09 - "Fort Hays State Petroleum Geology Class Presentations" - Dr. Hendratta Ali's Class
  • March 03 - " Woodford Shale as a Source/Reservoir Rock" - Brian J. Cardott
  • February 17 - "19th Century Russian Petroleum from Baku and a Spindletop comparison" - Ray Sorenson
  • February 03 - Dr. Anthony Walton's KU Petroleum Geology Class Field Studies: Chris Abshire & Jerome Youngers - "Weeks North Field, Cherokee & Conglomerate, Ness County" Teddy Jones & Reed Waldon - "Bollig Field, Kansas City L-Zone, Graham County" Briar Tormey & Chad Thomas - "Don and Don West Fields, Mississippian, Hodgeman County"  
  • January 27 - Kyle Stephenson - "Petro Base Explorer - It's capabilities"
  • January 20 - Richard Leeth - "Reexplore Micrologging"
  • January 07 - Dennis Hedke, Lynn Watney - "Deep Seated Karst at Cutter Field Indicating Strike-Slip Movement in Basement Rocks in the Hugoton Embayment "

Fall 2014

  • December 16 - "On the Rocky road: a geology travellog" - Catherine Rocky
  • December 02 - "Earthquakes in the southern midcontinent:  What we know and what we need to know - Current research at KU and the Kansas Geological Survey"  - Lynn Watney, Tandis Bidgoli, Eugene Holubnyak
  • November 19 - Pamela Kempton, KSU Geology Chair -  "Lower Crustal Xenoliths from the Upper Michigan Peninsula: Evidence for Modification of Archean Craton by Proterozoic Orogensis and Plume Magmatism"
  • October 21 - "Horizontal vs. Vertical Drilling in Kansas" - Kristie Ferguson
  • September 24 - "Worldwide seismic activity and earthquake activity in Oklahoma" - Glen Brown, V.P. Geology Continental Resources  Download PDF of talk here
  • September 02 - Advancements in Data Acquisition via Well Logs; More Data Equals More Reservoir Knowledge and Better Long Term Production Results  - Mark Houpe, Recon

Spring 2014

  • May 27 - "Wichita State Student Presentations" - Larry Richardson's Class
  • April 22 - "Mississippian Lime Play - what we have learned?" - Dr. Walt Manger, University of Arkansas
  • April 15 - "Central Utah Thrust Belt Exploration Is In It's Infancy" - Mike Pinell  (Abstract)
  • April 01 - "Fort Hays State University student field studies"- Dr. Hendratta Ali
  • March 28 - " Cemeteries:  Kite's-Eye View, United States and Denmark"  - Dr. James Aber, Emporia State University
  • March 18 - Open Date
  • March 04 -  "Po Valley (Po Basin) of Northern Italy - An overview of teh geology, tectonics, hydrocarbon accumulations, and current ongoing exploration efforts in the basin, plus a abit of an introduction of what it takes to do business in Italy" - Kevin Lant             
  • February 25 - "Conventional, Unconventional,(and even weird) hydrocarbons of the Forest City and Salina Basins" - Dave Newell     (Abstract) 
  • February 18 -

    "Horizontal Drilling Operations in Central Kansas:  Osbervations, Surprises, & Pitfalls"  - Mike Poirier & Richard Kilby, Source Energy


  • February 17 - "19th Century Russian Petroleum Form Baku and a Spindletop Comparison" - Ray Sorenson
  • February 17 - "19th Century Russian Petroleum from Baku and a Spindletop comparison" - Ray Sorenson
  • January 28 - "Dr. Anthony Walton's Petroleum Class Presentations" - Kansas University
  • January 21 - "Echo from the Past:  The Finney-Scott Basin- 320 Million Years Ago & Today, Scott and Finney Counties, Kansas" - John Mitchell

Fall 2013

  • December 17 - "Legal Issue Concerning Geologists - Data licensing Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements" - James Kelly, Lario Oil & Gas
  • November 19 - "Environmental Due Diligence Beyond the Oil Field" -  Blaine Wood, GSI Engineeing
  • November 05 - Hydraulic Fracturing 101 - Hap Pinkerton, Halliburton 
  • October 01 - What's New in Polymer Technology?  New Tools to help get the most oil and gas from your wells. - Randy Prater, Polymer Services, LLC.
  • September 24 - Renea Albert - "From the Ground Up: Ongoing Efforts of the Kansas Oil Museum to Preserve the Science of Oil"
  • September 03 - Dave Clothier - “Results of the Mississippi Lime Play Horizontal VS Conventional Drilling”

Spring 2013

  • May 28 - Larry Richardson's WSU petroleum class
  • May 07 - Edith Wilson, Spyglass - "Mississippian Lime Play East of the Nemaha Ridge, Oklahoma"
  • April 23 - Brian Cardott, Oklahoma Survey - "Hartshorne coal rank applied to Arkoma Basin coalbed methane activity in Oklahoma"
  • April 16 - Marty DuBois - "Chester IVF system in Haskell & Seward County"
  • April 02 - Dr. Jim Puckette, Oklahoma State University: "Red Fork (Burbank) Sandstone in Burbank Field, Osage County:  An Example of Using Vintage Data to Improve the Geologic Model and Enhance Modern Success"  (Abstract)
  • March 26 - Dr. Hendratta Ali's Fort Hays Class
  • March 19 - Andrew Wray, Schlumberger - "The Application of Borehole Images for Geosteering and Beyond"
  • March 05 - "What is the Mississippian Play without the Arbuckle and what we need to know about it " - Kurt Rottman
  • February 26 - "Chester IVF System in Haskell & Seward county" - Marty DuBois  NOTICE:  This talk has been postponed due to weather - we will reschedule for a later date.
  • February 19 - "Computer Contouring: How is it done? And why don't the contours honor the data?" - Dick Banks  
  • February 05 - "Cherokee" - Ernie Morrison
  • January 29 - Dr. Tony Walton's KU petroleum class
  • January 22 - Dr. Lee Krystinik, AAPG- "There is Mississippian Chat and then there is Mississippian Chat: Differentiating Bedded vs. Alluvial Chat Conglomerat Deposition Using Image Logs and High-Resolution 3D Seismic"
  • January 15 - "Chandler Perforation Plot" - William Chandler

Fall 2012

  • December 18 - "Preparations for small scale field test at Wellington Field: CO2-EOR in MIssissippian and carbon sequestration in the Arbuckle Group" - Dr. Lynn Watney
  • December 04 - "Cherokee Paleolithologies, Long Branch Field, Payne County, OK" - Greg Riepl
  • November 27 - "Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Permeability to Lab Permeability" - Charlie Smith
  • November 20 - "My Odyssey with the Mississippian Subcrops" - Michael Pollok
  • November 06 - "Arkoma Basin Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development - Past, Present, and Future" - Neil Suneson
  • October 30 - "Lithologic Controls of Pressure in Sedimentary Basins" - Dr. James Puckette, OSU
  • October 23 - "History of Fracing" - Larry Skelton
  • October 16 - "Unconventional Asset Life Cycle - Modeling Impact on Economics and Environment" - Pamela Jay, Baker Hughes
  • September 25 - "Cherry Grove Field, Warren County, PA" - Ray Sorenson
  • September 18 - "Comparing Mass Spectormeter Derived Advanced Gas Analysis for Miss Carbonates Laterals to Shale Laterals" - Bud McIntyre, Crown Gechemistry
  • September 04 - "Recent Oklahoma Earthquakes: The Perfect Storm" - Austin Holland

Spring 2012

  • May 29 - "Effects of Karstification on Arbuckle Oil Production"  - Paul Ramondetta
  • May 22 - "Flint Hills Story (with emphasis on geology)" - Bob Workman
  • May 15 - Wichita State University students - Larry Richardson's Class
  • May 01 - Oklahoma State University Geology Students - Dr. Jim Puckette's Class
  • April 17 - "Using T-1 From Magnetic Resonance to Identify Low Resitivity Pay" - Charlie Smith, Halliburton
  • April 03 - Ft. Hays University Geology Students presentations
  • March 27 - "Stratigraphic Architecture of the Kinderhookian to Meramecian Series in North-Central Oklahoma and Southern Kansas" - Kurt Rottmann
  • March 20 - "Applications and Benefits of Using Borehole Images in a Horizontal Well; How the Infromation Obtained Could Be Used to Aid in Well Completions" - Brian David
  • March 06 - "Evaluating CO2-EOR and CO2 Storage Capacity in Kansas" - Dr. Lynn Watney, Kansas Geological Survey
  • February 28 - David Curtiss, Executive Director of AAPG - with Ted Beaumont, President Elect, AAPG - "Science and Ideas to Meet the World's Energy Needs"
  • February 21 - "Dynamics of Orogenic Belts and continental Plateaus - Examples from the Northern Andes and teh Himalaya-Tibet Orogen" - Dr. Mike Taylor, Kansas University
  • February 17 - "Windscapes: Wind Energy in Kansas and Beyond" - Dr. James Aber, Emporia State University
  • February 07 - David Koger  "TBA"
  • January 31 - Dr. Tony Walton's Petroleum Class for University of Kansas
  • January 24 - "Natural Gas in the Pre-Drake Era" - Ray Sorenson
  • January 17 - "Why Don't the Computer Contours Honor the Data Points?" - Richard Banks
  • January 03 -

    SpOILed the movie, a documentary about the oil industry.

Fall 2011

  • December 20 - Mark Houp, Weatherford - "Horizontal Log Data and New Deployment Techniques"
  • December 06 - "Horizontal Drilling of Deep Granite Wash Reservoirs, Anadarko Basin Oklahoma & Texas" - John Mitchell
  • November 22 - "Wichita Wraps Program (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy)" - Greg Armstrong, Geotechnical Services, Inc.
  • November 15 - "UKansasteach" - Steve Case, KU
  • November 01 - "Earthquakes" - Don Steeples  (Power Point Presentation) 11MB file
  • October 25 - Dr. Stanley Paxton, USGS  - "Outcrop Comparison of Woodford, Caney, and Fayetteville Gas Shales in Oklahoma and Arkansas"
  • October 18 -  Dr. Roger Slatt, Oklahoma University  - "Geologic Properties of Unconventional Resource Shales"
  • October 14 - "Sedimentology & Diagenesis of Mississippian (Kinderhookian and Osagean: Tournaisian and Visean) Buildups in Soutwest Missouri, NW Arkansas, and NE Oklahoma" - Beau Morris  NOTE:  This talk will start at NOON
  • September 27 - "Are We Running Out of Fossil Fuels" - Doug V. Davis (Power Point Presentation)
  • September 20 - NOTICE:  This talk is being postponed to a later date.  In it's place, there will be a demonstration on the Walters Digital Library - come with questions and we will show you some things you may not know about the program.  All are welcome to attend, not just members  -"Wichita Wraps Program (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy" - Greg Armstrong, Geotechnical Service, Inc. - Wichita - This talk has been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 22nd.
  • September 06 - "Installation & Design of the Bentonite Barrier Wall at the Boeing Landfill in South Wichita" - Dave Edwards, Geophysical Services, Inc. Wichita

Spring 2011

  • May 24 - Larry Richardson's WSU Class - "Pool Study of the Alameda Pool, Kingman County"
  • May 17 - Kevin Evans - "Pre-Mississippian Tectonismon the Southern Margin of teh Ozark Dome"
  • May 09 - Brian Wilhite - "Evidence for early Mississippian forbulge tectonics in the Mid-Continent based on outcrop studies: implications and considerations for subsurface Mississippian exploration" NOTE: This talk is on MONDAY
  • May 03 - Alan DeGood, Doug Davis, Wayne Woolsey or Dean Pattison, Dan Klaus:  Panel Discussion on Horizontal Drilling
  • April 26 - Dr. Lynn Watney, etal - "Basement Tests in the Wellington Field"
  • April 19 - Dr. James Puckette's Class from Oklahoma State Univeristy - "TBA"
  • April 05 - Charles Smith - "Unconventional Reservoirs Require Unconventional Solutions - Granite Wash and Shale Reservoirs"
  • March 15 - Dr. Lynn Watney, etal - "Horizontal Wells in the Hunton Group - Unger Field"
  • March 08 - Dr. Anthony Walton's KU Petroleum Class
  • February 28 - Ft. Hays State Students -   NOTE:  DATE HAS CHANGED TO MONDAY "Historical and Geological Overview of the Bemis-Shutts Oil Field; Ellis County Kansas" "A Geologic Review of Eubank Oil Field in Kansas" "3D Seismic Interpretation of a Common Carbonate Sequence on the Central Kansas Uplift, Ellis County"
  • February 22 - Brian Cardott, "Hartshorne Coal Rank Applied to Arkoma Basin Coalbed-methane Activity, Oklahoma, USA"
  • February 15 -  Phil Knighton - "Talk on Uranium"
  • January 25 -  Robert Von Rhee - "Oil Gas Property Evaluation"
  • January 18 -  Mark Houpe, Weatherford - "Logging Horizontal Tests"
  • January 04 -  M. L. Korphage - TBA

Fall 2010

  • December 21 -

     Dr. Leigh Sterns - "Quantifying (and understanding?) Changes On East Greenland Outlet Glaciers"


  • December 07 -

    Dr. Marvin Carlson - "Open Minds - Open Acres Should Open New Plays In Nebraska"


  • November 30 -

    "The Onset of Global Climate Change: Human Induced and Unstoppable", Dr. Luis Gonzalez, KU

  • November 16 -  "Ancestral Rocky Mountain Deformation in the Mid-Continent Then and Now" - Dr. Randy Keller  


  • October 26 -


    "Mississippian Subcrops or How To Find 'Buried Treasure in Your Own Backyard' Woods Couty, Oklahoma"  - Mike Pollok, MAP Exploration


  • October 19 -

    "Cause and Effect Log Interpretation",  Richard Leeth

  • October 05 -

    "Sequence Boundaries and Petroleum Accumulations in Oklahoma" - Dr. James Puckette, OSU

  • September 28 -

    "Seismic Multiattributes Analysis for Predicting Porosities Using Sequential Nonlinear Regression:  The Thin Carbonates of the BMB-Field, Poland" - Dr. Abdelmonean Raef, Kansas State University


  • September 21 -

    "Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration in Kansas - A Collaborative Project with the Kansas Oil & Gas Industry"

    W. Lynn Watney, PhD, Kansas Geological Survey

  • September 07 -

    "Preview of Fall Trip to Examine Mississippian Outcrops as Analogs of Subsurface Petroleum Reservoirs" - Salvatore Mazzullo PhD., Wichita State University  

Spring 2010

  • May 18 - Larry Richardson's WSU Class
  • May 11 - "Exploitation of the Mississippi Chat Using Horizontal Well Bores in Osage County, OK" - Shane Matson
  • May 04 - "Horizontal Drilling of the Deep Granite Wash Reservoirs in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma & Texas" - John Mitchell - - Abstract
  • April 27 - "What's New in Carbonate Diagenesis: What We Thought We Knew and Where We're Going" - Dr. Robert Goldstein, KU - Abstract
  • April 20 - Jean Lemon, Tulsa - Upstream Exploration with a Difference: A Petroleum Geologist Up a Creek
  • April 06 - Jim Puckett, Oklahoma State, Title To Be Announced
  • March 30 - "Legacy of Mining: aerial Photography in Southeastern Kansas & Northeastern Oklahoma" - Drs. Susan W. & James Aber - Abstract
  • March 23 - "Development of Kansas, the Land and the State" - Will Gilland
  • March 16 - David Rensink, President-Elect AAPG, Crude Oil and Natural Gas "Where do we get it, how do we use it, and what can we say about the future?" - Abstract; Paper
  • March 02 - "Herd Viola Trend, Comanche County" - Larry Richardson
  • February 23 - "Morphodynamics & Depositional Heterogeneity of Bahamian Holocene Ooid Shoals" - Dr. Gene Rankey - Abstract
  • February 16 - "Great American Carbonate Bank" - Rick Fritz - Abstract
  • February 02 - Dr. Tony Walton's KU Petroleum Class
  • January 26 - "Subsidence and its Impact on Infrastructure" - Robert Henthorne, KDOT
  • January 19 - Production Decline Curves and Payout Thresholds of Horizontal Woodford Wells in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma - Rick Andrews
  • January 01 - "Morphodynamics & Depositional Heterogeneity of Bahamian Holocene Ooid Shoals" - Dr. Gene Rankey

Fall 2009

  • December 22 - Steve Hiasotis - "Continental Trace Fossils and Their Implications to Interpreting Depositional Environments and Significant Surfaces: Ichnology for the 21st Century"
  • December 15 - Paul Ramondetta, Vess Oil - "Karsting in the Arbuckle of El Dorado: Comparisons"
  • December 1 - Brian Cardott - "History of CBM in Oklahoma"
  • November 24 - Matt Brueseke, Kansas State University - "Mid-Miocene Magmatism and Mineralization in the Northern Great Basin & Oregon Plateau"
  • November 17 - William Morris - "Architectural Historic Preservation - Uncovering Layers"
  • November 3 - Sal Mazzullo - "Mississippian Outcrop-to-Subsurface Correlations and Depositional Systems: Implications for Reservoir Prospecting"
  • October 6 - Tom Ostrye - "Natural Gas as a Fuel for Vehicles"
  • September 29 - Ray Sorenson, "Who Was First?"
  • September 22 - Ernie Morrison, Mull Drilling - "Fairport Field - 120 Mile Step-Out"
  • September 15 - Alan DeGood, "The Role Kansas's Natural Resources Played in the Development of Kansas"

Spring 2009

  • May 26 - Dr. George Clark, Kansas State University- ""Fossilization: Why Old Shells Turn Gray" He also will make a 10 minute presentation on KSU's New Distance Learning Program "
  • May 19 - Dr. John Lorenz, AAPG President-Elect - "The Interplay Between Geoscience and the Oil & Gas Industry"
  • May 5 - Dr. Raef - "CO2 Sequestration & Production Enhancement in Kansas"
  • April 21 - Mike Smith, Weather Data, Inc. - "The Truth About Global Warming"
  • April 7 - Dr. Craig Marshall, KU - Chemotaxonomy of Oil Shales
  • March 24 - Brian Wilhite - The Cowley Problem in Kansas - A Mystery Solved"
  • Tuesday, March 17 - Michael J. Everhart - The Making of National Geographic's "'Sea Monsters"
  • March 3 - Macklin Armstrong - " Ethics; The Rules of Professional Conduct"
  • February 28 - Ron Kramerer - "Oil & Gas Taxation"
  • February 17 - Ashley Kerschner, Kansas Geological Survey - "Preserving Oil & Gas Well Samples at the Well Sample Library"
  • February 3 - Larry Richardsons's Class - Wichita State University, "Pool Studies: Glick Pool" - presented by Will Darrah, Sean Deenihan & Zach Poland; "Mull Pool' - presented by Jessica Puyear & Kevin Bunger
  • January 27 - Field Studies From Dr. Tony Walton's Petroleum Class University of Kansas
    The Davis Ranch Field, Wabaunsee County - Kyle Gorynski & Agbor Ambang
    The Langdon Field, Reno County - Rob Sutherland & Aubrey Collie
    The Congdon & Congdon N. Fields, Finney County - Katherine Hoffmeister & Ly Bui
  • January 20 - Jim Puckette, Oklahoma State University - "Revisiting Old Areas: Improving Correlations and Enhancing Exploration Success
  • January 6, John Doveton, Kansas Geological Survey - "Digital Log Data: A New Gateway to the Kansas Subsurface"

Fall 2008

  • December 16th - Robert White, Whitestar Energy, "When Good Data Turns Bad - from Thomas Jefferson to the Digital Map"
  • December 2 - Michael Johnson, "Discovery, development and characteristics of Parshall Field, North Dakota, a major Bakken field"
  • November 25 - Brian Cardott, "Woodford Shale Gas Play"
  • November 18 - Dr. Neil Suneson - "Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environment, and Reservoir Character of the Booch Sandstones (Desmoinesian McAlester Formation), Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma"
  • November 10 - Saibal Bhattacharya, Kansas Geological Survey - "A Low-Cost, Low BTU Upgradation Plant - An Update"
  • October 28 - David Newell, Kansas Geological Survey - "Eastern Kansas Coal-Bed Methane Comes of Age"
  • October 21- Jean Antonides -V.P., New Dominion - "Dewatering the Hunton Limestone in Central Oklahoma"
  • October 7 - Dr. Roger Slatt - "A Workflow for Integrated Stratigraphic Characterizatoin of Mid-Continent Gas Shales"
  • September 23 - Lynn Watney, KS Geological Survey - "High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic and Chronostratigraphic Investigations of the Lower Shelf and Basinal Lithofacies of the Upper Devonian and Mississippian in the southern Midcontinent U.S.A." Abstract
  • September 16 - Scott Sears - "Low-Btu Gas Exploitation in Kansas: Using New Nitrogen Rejection Technology to Exploit By-Passed Gas Opportunities in Kansas - A Geological Perspective"

Spring 2008

  • May 27th - Bob Westermark - "Horizontal Wells Improve Oil Recovery in 100 Year Old Pennsylvanian Sandstone Reservoirs in Northeast Oklahoma and Southeast Kansas"
  • May 20 - Kevin Burke, Frontier Refining - "The Refining Market: Refining Processes and Changes Over the Several Decades"
  • May 13 - Susan Nissan, "3-D Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization"
  • April 29 - Dan Hitzman Tulsa, Oklahoma - "Hydrocarbon Microseepage Surveys in Kansas: Reconnaissance to Prospect Evaluation Strategies"
  • April 15 - Dr. Ronald Schott - "The Use of Hand-Held Spectrophotometry & GigaPan Imagery in Support of Bedrock Geology Mapping in Rooks County, Kansas"
  • April 1 - Rick Taylor, Shreveport, LA - "Inconvenient Evidence, Global Warming Goes on Ice" Paper
  • March 25 - Dr. Lynn Watney - Kansas Geological Survey - "Geo-engineering Modeling of Shallow Upper Pennsylvanian Sandstones Associated with Recovery of Low BTU Gas in Chase County"
  • March 18 - Joel Walker, Hutchinson Cosmosphere & Space Center - "The Future of Space Exploration"
  • March 11 - Don Whittemore - "Fate & Indentification of Oil-brine Contamination in Different Hyrdogeologic Settings"
  • February 26 - Oil & Gas Taxation, H & R Block
  • February 19 - Ernie Morrison, "Sand Arroyo Field, Stanton Colorado"
  • Monday, February 11 - Joe Struckle, Edmond, OK - "Advances in Technology for Gas Detection and Surface Logging or What you Always wanted to know about mudlogging but were afraid to ask"
  • Tuesday, January 29 - Dr. Tony Walton's Petroleum Class - Kansas University - "Field Studies in Kansas" - Lyons Field, Rice County, Kansas: Jesse Thompson, Ted Pfau, Daniel Rice; Tobias Field, Rice County, Kansas: Brooke Perini, Javier de Palacios, Justin Virojanavat; Aldrich Field, Ness County Kansas: James Thompson, Xiaoting Cui, Troy Hommertzheim, Adam Podschun
  • Tuesday, January 22 - Dr. Jim Puckette, Oklahoma State, " Status of the Mineral Industry in Oklahoma"
  • Tuesday - January 15 - Dr. James Aber & Susan Aber, Emporia State - "Kansas Physiographic Regions: A Reappraisal"

Fall 2007

  • Monday - December 10 - Two DVDs: Independent Oil: Rediscovering America's Forgotten Wells & The Future of Energy Gases - USGS
  • Monday - December 3 - Dr. Wan Yang, WSU, "Application of Sequence Stratigraphy - Lessons Learned from Fluvial-Lacustrine Rocks of Northwestern China"
  • November 19 - DVD on The Mammoth Site: Site near Hot Springs, South Dakota which is more than 26,000 years old- mammoth finds in the Spearfish Shale (Triassic).
  • November 12 - Jim Rogers, Denver, Colorado, "Garfield Conglomerate Pool, Pawnee County, Kansas: New Reservoir Model from and Old Oil Field"
  • November 5 - Rick Andrews, Oklahoma Geological Survey, "Production & Outcrop / Reservoir Characteristics of the Woodford Shale in South-Central and Southeast Oklahoma"
  • October 29 - Cina Poyer, "Underground Storage of Hydrocarbons in Salt Caverns"
  • October 22 - Dave Dayvault, "Issues Facing the Oil Industry: Surface Owner Rights"
  • October 15 -Dr. Randy Keller, OU, "Gravity and Magnetic Studies of the Southern Rocky Mountain Crust: Basins to Basement"
  • September 24 - Sal Mazzullo, Wichita State University - "Mississippian Chert Reservoirs in Kansas: Oxygen and Silicon Isotope Geochemistry & Timing of Silicification and Porosity Formation"

Spring 2007

  • June 4 - DVD's - various geologic topics (3 hours)
  • May 21 - Video Talk - "Geo-Families"
  • May 14 - "Taxation Issues on the Funding of Oil & Gas Exploration and IRA' s - 401K's", Stephanie Williams Larson & Company
  • May 8 - Larry Skelton, "An Old Well in Downtown Wichita"
  • April 23 - Bob Davis, OKC - Schlumberger, "Identification & Characterization of Faults & Folds Using Borehole Electrical Images"
  • April 16 - Steve Trenchard, Houston, "Geomorphology as Applied to Oil Exploration in Northwest Kansas or Drill Inside the Bend of a Creek Flowing in the Wrong Direction" Presentation
  • April 9 - Monte Markley, "Kakrakalpakstan Deep Aquifer Study Republic of Uzbekistan"
  • March 26 - Richard Findley, "Bakken Shale Play"
  • March 19 - Bill Scanlan, Nutech, "Recent improvements in black shale interpretations based on interpretation of basic wireline logs"
  • March 12, Paul Simpson - "Introducing Xact Telemetry"
  • March 7 - Joint Meeting with Geophysical Society of Kansas: SEG Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Leonard Snrka, "Illuminating Reservoirs with Electromagnetics"
  • February 26 - Dave Newell, Kansas Geological Survey, "Sorbed Gas Content of Coal and Gas Shales Using Well Cuttings"
  • February 19 - Jim Bruggeman, Terracon , "Environmental Regulations in the Oil & Gas Industry"
  • February 12 - Tony Walton, PhD. & Petroleum Geology Students from Kansas University, "Field Studies in Kansas" (Rob Brewer & Nathan Berg will present on the Crawford SE Field, Rice County, Travis Glauser & Blake Nelson will present on the Riverside Field, Ness County, Will Scriven & Mohammad Kalaei will present on the Rellem Field, Rice County)
  • January 29 - Ray Sorenson, Tulsa, OK, "First Impressions: Petroleum Geology at the Dawn of the North American Oil Industry"
  • January 15 - Don Stimpson, "Meteorites"

Fall 2006

  • December 20 - Larry Skelton, "Gemstones"
  • December 13 - Dr. Rolfe Mandel, "Kanorado Revisted: Results of Geoarchaeological Investigations in Northwestern Kansas"
  • December 6 - Dr Hongs Heng Cao, WSU, "Geochemical Techniques in Petroleum Exploration"
  • November 29 - Mike Dealy, Kansas Geological Survey, "What's So Important About The Equus Beds"
  • November 8 - Todd Aikins, "A Geologist's View of Evolution"
  • October 25 - Robert Daniels, Anadarko, "Winning with Strategy: Anadarko’s History and Future Outlook for the Gulf of Mexico"
  • October 18 - Bill Walker, "Blakken Play - Montana and North Dakota"
  • October 11 - Marty DuBois, Kansas Geological Survey, "Hugoton Geomodel: A Step Towards a Virtual Kansas"
  • September 27 - Scott Shad, "The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Caney Shale"
  • September 20 - Vance Hall & Glenn Cole, "Atokan and Desmoinesian Correlations from the Arkoma to the Cherokee Platform with Emphasis on the Selected Coal Markers"
  • September 13 - Saibal Bhattacharya, Kansas Geological Survey, "Schaben Field"

Spring 2006

  • May 25 - Video Seminar - 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the conference room of the KGS Library; This video tape & DVD seminar will cover "exploration"
  • May 18 - Dr. David Wald, USGS Denver, "Rapid Post-Earthquake Information from the U.S.G.S. National Earthquake Information Center"
  • May 11 - Bob Westermark, Grand Oil, "Horizontal Drilling in Pennsylvanian Sands"
  • May 4 - Dr. Lynn Watney "Evaluating structural controls and their role in forecasting properties of phaneozoic rocks in the Northern Mid-Continent, USA -- Ancient examples and modern analogs"
  • April 27 - Geophysical Society of Kansas - Joint Meeting, Cara Kiger "Full-wave Acquisition with VectorSeis"
  • April 20 - Dr. Marvin Carlson, Nebraska Geological Survey, "Reinterpreting Nebraska's Structural Framework - New Geometry, New Exploration, New Reservoirs"
    This paper co-authored by Bill Sydow
  • April 13 CANCELLED due to inclimate weather
  • April 6 - Merel Grabhorn, Newfield Exploration, "The Opening of the Mid-Continent: A Pictorial History"
  • March 23 - James Bogarrdus, "Update: Evolution of Land Seismic Acquisition: A 3-D Case Study from the Wichita Mountain Front, Oklahoma" (Joint meeting with the Geophysical Society of Kansas)
  • March 17 - Dr. Jay Price, WSU, his perspective of his book on Oil Hill and the El Dorado
  • March 9 - Mike Everhart, Adjunct Curator of Paleontology, Sternberg Museum, "Oceans of Kansas, the Rest of the Story"
  • February 23 - Dr. Jim Puckette, Oklahoma State University, "The Application of Petroleum Data to the Characterization of the Arbuckle and Simpson aquifers in the Arbuckle Uplift area, Southern Oklahoma"
  • February 16 - Dr. Wan Yang, Wichita State University, "No Barrier-bar Sandstone Reservoirs in the Upper Pennsylvanian Oread Cyclothem in SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma"
  • February 3 - Troy Beserra, "The Oil Classification and Exploration Opportunity in the Hugoton Embayment, Western Kansas and Las Animas Arch Eastern Colorado"
  • January 19 - Ernie Morrison, "Update of Eubanks Field"
  • January 12 - Mike Cochran, KDHE, "Hutchison Sinkhole - A Mining Legacy"

Fall 2005

  • December 12 - Dr. Peter Rose, President of the AAPG, "Estimating Oil and Gas Reserves: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us"
  • December 8 - Dr. Robert Goldstein, University of Kansas, "The Indian Basin Field of New Mexico, Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoir with implications for Kansas"
  • December 1 - R.S. Springman, Oklahoma City "Finding Simpson Sand Production in Southern Oklahoma With 3-Dimensional Seismic Data"
  • November 22 - Magaret Stratton, Anadarko, Calgary, Joint w/ Geophysical Society of Kansas, "Impact of the Effects of Anisotropy in Canadian Foothills Exploration: A Case Study" (This looks very similar to the Spiro Thrust play in SE Oklahoma)
  • November 17 - Morris Korphage, KCC, "Underground Porosity Natural Gas Storage in Kansas"
  • November 10 - Dr. Matt Totten, KSU,"Yellowstone Supervolcanoes and Petroleum Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico"
  • November 3 - Tim Carr, Kansas Geological Survey, "Mississippian Reservoirs in Kansas: New Techniques Applied to Old Targets"
  • October 27 - Mark Fortuna & Dr. John Queen Joint w/ the Geophysical Society Of Kansas "Characterization of Faults and Fractures In San Juan Basin Gas Reservoirs"
  • October 19 - Ken Warren, Land Institute "New Routes for Agriculture Through Perenial Roots"
  • October 13 - Doug Strickland, "Structural Architecture, Petroleum Systems, and Geological Implications for the New Hydrocarbon Province of the Covenant Field Discovery, Sevier Co., Utah"
  • September 22 - Bob Cowdery "Paleogeomorphology versus Geomorphology and Never the Twain Shall Meet or Will They?"
  • September 16 - Mike Austin, Mike Pollok - Joint w/ SIPES "Where the Buffalo Roam"
  • September 14 - Bill Miller Joint w/ SEG "Exploring in Kansas with Small Prospect Specific 3 D"

Spring 2005

  • May 25 - Video Tape Sessions
  • May 18 - Tom Hansen "Global Warming and Global Cooling"
  • May 11 - Ethics Panel- Jene Darmsetter, Dr. John Gries, Jon Callen, and Larry Richardson.Moderated by Phil Knighton The panel will address several scenarios encountered in the Oil & Gas business.
  • May 4 - Dr. Rolfe Mande "The Search for Pre-Clovis Archaeological Sites in the Midcontinent: A Geoarchaeological Approach"
  • April 20 - Dennis Wike, Environmental Department Manager Maxim Technologies, Kansas City, Kansas, "Due Diligence and Brownsfield"
  • April 13 - Allen Gilmer, Drillinginfo Chairman of the Board , "The Upcoming Oil & Gas Boom"
  • April 6 - Dr. Steve Gao, "Earthquakes and Earthquake Monitoring Facilities in NE Kansas"
  • >March 16 - Jerry Hodgden , "Different Interpretation of the Nemaha, In Search of the Lost Province"
  • March 9 - Alan DeGood, Ed Cross KIOGA, "New Legislation in Kansas."
  • March 2 - Dan Hitzman, Tulsa, "Ames Hole Impact Structure"
  • February 23 - Dr. William Parcell, WSU, "Mixed-Sediment Deposition in a Retro-Arc Foreland Basin: Lower Ellis Group (M. Jurassic) Wyoming & Montana"
  • February 16 - Dr. Lee Allison, "Energy in Kansas"
  • February 9 - Dr. Lynn Watney, Kansas Geological Survey, "Atokan Age Incised Valley Fill Reservoirs"
  • >January 26 - Evolution Panel: Alfred James III, Kansas Geological Society; Dr. Keith Miller (Dept. of Geology KSU); Dr. Peer Moor-Jansen (Dept. of Anthropology, WSU).
  • January 12 - Rodney Reynolds, PTTC, "Stimulatin Arbuckle Production with New Technologies, Large Volumn Polymer Gel Treatments and Solid Propellent Gasgun Stimulation Treatments"

Fall 2004

  • December 15 - Kirsten Nicolaysen, Kansas State University, "Volcanic Eruptions and Magma Genesis in the Aleutian Arc"
  • December 8 - Meer Husain, "Understanding Ground Water Arsenic Poisoning in the Bengal Basin"
  • December 1 - Jim Gibbs, "Purchase of Producing Properties"
  • November 17 - Pat Gratton, President of AAPG, "Barnett Shale Play"
  • November 10 - Alan P. Byrnes, Kansas Geological Survey, "Modeling Recovery From Kansas Mississippian & Lansing Kansas City Reservoirs - Why Reservoirs in the Transition Zone Produce More Oil & Water Than They Seem Like They Should"
  • November 3 - Rick Fritz, "Presentation on the Red Fork"
  • October 20 - Brian Cardott, "Overview of Unconventional Energy"
  • October 13 - Greg Ohlmacher, Kansas Geological Survey, "Landslides and Landslide Hazard Mapping in Northeastern Kansas"
  • October 6 - Terrence Blackburn, "New (U-Th)/He Age Constraints on the Emplacement of Kimberlite Pipes in Northeastern Kansas"
  • September 29 - William McBee, Tulsa, "Aulocogen Myth"
  • September 22 - Ron Samuels, Denver IHS Energy, "Petroleum Industry Perspectives 2004"
  • September 15 - Rick Saenger - Wichita "Introduction to Shear Waves"

Spring 2004

  • July 28th - George Aziz Yacu, Managing Director of Sumer Petroleum Services Company, Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Yacu also serves as the Technical Advisor to the Iraqi Minister of Oil and to the Board of Directors of the Iraq National Oil Company and as Director General of Exploration, Iraq National Oil Company. HTTPS://
  • May 27 - William McBee, Tulsa, "Arbuckle Ouachita".
  • May 20 - "Pore Geometry Workshop": A Seminar by Jack Thomas, Ph.D., Director of Science, AAPG
  • May 13 - Dr. Mary Hubbard, Kansas State University "Geology on a Plate Boundary: Basin Development in New Zealand"
  • May 6 - Christine Hansen, Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission, "Update on Federal Energy Legislation"
  • April 8 - Terry Donze, Denver, "New Method for SHALLOW Oil and Gas Exploration"
  • April 1st - Ray Sorenson, Anadarko, Houston, "A Dynamic Model for the Permian Panhandle and Hugoton Fields, Western Anadarko Basin"
  • March 25 - Ted Beaumont, Tulsa, "Application of Petrophysical Principles the 'Hunt' for Overlooked Carbonate Pay"
  • March 11 - Dr. J Edward Blott, Littleton, CO, "3-D, 3-C Reservoir Characterization of a Morrow Valley-Fill Sandstone, Reservoir at Sorrento Field, Colorado"
  • March 4 - William McBee, "The Nemaha Fault Zone: Strike Slip Faulting in the Mid-Continent, USA"
  • February 26 - Dr. Jim Puckette, OSU, "Lower Skinner Valley Fill Sandstones: Attractive
  • Exploration Targets on the NE Oklahoma Platform
  • January 29, 2004 - John Coates, Patrick Energy, Tulsa "A Review of Coalbed Methane Operational Issues in the Cherokee Basin, Kansas and Oklahoma"
  • February 5 POSTPONED - Pat Gratton, Pres.-Elect AAPG, , "Looking Back and Praying Forward"
  • February 12 - Dr. William Parcell, WSU, "Jurassic Microbial Reefs: Subsurface Reservoirs and Outcrop Analogs
  • January 22 - Dr. Victor Jones, ETI Houston, " Moore-Johnson (Morrow) Field, Greeley County, Kansas: A Successful Integration of Surface Gas Geochemistry With Subsurface Geology and Geophysics"
  • January 15 - Allied Geophysical Lab, Univ. of Houston "Seismic Attributes"

Fall 2003

  • December 18 - Dr. Steve Sonnenberg, President of the AAPG, Denver: "Meeting the Energy Challenges"
  • December 11 CANCELLED - Larry Lunardi, Oklahoma City: "3D and 40+ rigs : Keys to Unlocking Anadarko Basin Deep Gas Reserves"
  • December 4 - Rick Andrews, Oklahoma Geological Survey: "Depositional environments of the Red Fork sandstone in the Cherokita - Wakita Trends; Reservoir characteristics and waterflood potential of similar-type reservoirs"
  • November 20 - Marty Dubois: "Understanding Mississippian Dolomite Reservoirs in Central Kansas"
  • November 13 - Jim Bruggeman: "Site Characterization for Remediation (or, reservoir Characterization for Hydrocarbon Reserves)"
  • November 6 - Rick Chimbola, Aramco: "Arabian Oil Fields"
  • October 30 - Alan Chamberlain, Las Vegas: "Elephant Hunting in Nevada"
  • October 23 - Jim Rogers, Denver - "Violent Tectonics, Old and New, of the Northeast Caribbean"
  • October 16 - Duff Kerr, Denver: - "Ordivician Trenton Production in New York and Related Basin"
  • September 25 - Bob Diffendahl, Nebraska Geol. Survey: "Geology of the Lewis and Clark Expedition"
  • September 18 - Paul Ramondetta, Vess Oil: " The Eldorado Field"

Spring 2003

  • May 28 - Richard Banks, Tulsa - " Essentials of Subsurface Mapping"
  • May 22 - KGS - SIPES Panel Discussion on Ethics as relates to Geologists - Panel composed of, 2003 - Fred James, Roger Martin, and Dr. Lynn Watney with Phil Knighton as moderator
  • May 8 - Brian Fisher, Wichita - "Nature of Groundwater Contamination"
  • May 01 - Walt Hendrickson, OKC - "Trials and Tribulations"
  • April 30 - Jim Lowell, Denver - "Structural Styles 1979, Revisited 2003"
  • April 24 - Bill Barrett, Denver - "Traditionally Unconventional"
  • April 17 - Jack Thomas, Tulsa - "Value of Geologic Information in Well Completions"
  • April 15 - SIPES Program (Open to KGS and General Public) - Charles Evenson, Auctioneer "Sale of Producing Properties"
  • April 10 - Bill Keach, Denver - "Understanding Paleo-Stratigraphy with 3D Visualization and Volume Interpretation"
  • April 03 - Woody Leel, Dallas - "Triton's Adventure" ( about International Exploration in Thailand, Columbia, and Equatorial Guinea)
  • March 27 - SIPES Program (Open to KGS and General Public) - Dixie Madden, Attorney - "State and Federal Securities Law Governing Sale of Producing Properties"
  • March 26 - Videotape Showing - "Legends in Wildcatting" (They will Explain what you should know to be a successful company, what made their companies and themselves successful, and what the futer holds for exploration)
  • March 19 - Dr. Lee Gerhard - "How Can We Supply the Nations Energy"
  • March 12 - Don L. Hall, Tulsa - "Using Fluid Inclusions to Explore for Oil and Gas"
  • February 26 - Greg Davis, Vulcan Chemical - "Regulatory Oversight for the Construction of a Class 1 Disposal Well"
  • February 19 - Bob Vincent, Wichita - "Exploring for Water, 2003 - Same as exploring for Oil or Different?
  • February 12 - Dr. James Aber, Emporia State - "Kite Aerial Photography with examples from Estonia and Kansas"
  • January 23 - Will Gilliland - "Authorization for Water Use for Environmental and Petroleum Industry Projects"
  • January 16 - Larry Richardson, Pickrell Drilling, Wichita - "Rock Fences in Kansas"
  • January 8 - Bill Guy - Kansas Geological Survey - "Log Analysis of the Lansing-Kansas City Formation"

Fall 2002

  • December 18 - Dr. Randy Van Schmus, Kansas University - "Geochronology of Detrital Zircons, 2002 - Valuable Clues to the Depositional History of Tectonic Basins"
  • December 11 - Catherine Rocky, Terracon, Wichita, Kansas. " Landfill Geology"
  • December 04 - Ted Jochems, Wichita - "Mineral Exploration Drilling Methods"
  • November 20 - Richard Leeth, Wichita, Kansas - "Practical Well Logging"
  • November 13 - Carlyle Hinshaw, Norman, Oklahoma - "Bluejacket to Bartlesville, Surface to Subsurface" - The J. Robert Berg distinguished Lecture
  • November 8 - Carl Michael Smith, Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy - "The National Energy Policy - a Solid Foundation for America's Future"
  • October 23 - Dr. M. Lee Allison, Kansas Geological Survey - "Update on Blowout at Hutchinson"
  • October 9 - Dr. David Hughes, Wichita State University - "ARPA, NAGPRA and Other Matters Acronymic and Substantial
  • October 2 - William Stoekenger, Bartlesville, Oklahoma - "Gas in an Incised Valley Eastern Kansas Upper Cherokee"
  • September 25 - Bob Cowdery, Wichita, Kansas - "Future of Geoscientists"
  • September 18 - Dr. Michael Brady, Visiting Petroleum Geologist, Kansas State University, Year 2002-03. "Exploration History and Hydrocarbon Potential of Somalia"
  • September 12 - Dr. Rolfe Mandel, Geomorphologist and Geoarcheologist, Topeka, KS.- "The Effects of Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution on the Archaeological Record of the Central Plains of North America"

Spring 2002

  • February 21 - Dr. Jan Cannon, Tecumseh, Oklahoma - "Meteorite Craters
  • February 28 - Dr. David Hughes, Wichita - "Of EPA, ARPA, NAGPRA, and other matters acronymic and substantial"
  • March 7 - Dr. Lyle Baie, Dr. Ken Wantland, Dr. Jack Gallagher, Tulsa - "21st Century Work Environment - Will I have a Role" (Students are encouraged to attend)
  • March 21 - Dr. Doren Recker, Stillwater - Will be speaking on Evolution
  • March 28 - Dr. Deet Schumacher, Tulsa: "New Pays in Old Plays"
  • April 4 - Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Norman, Oklahoma: "Karst and Evaporites as related to Petroleum Problems and Activities"
  • April 10 - Greg Flournoy, Oklahoma City:"FMI Interpretations in the Mid-Continent"
  • April 17 Dr. Wan Yang, Wichita State University:"State-Line Geology of the Oread Cyclothem, SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma"
  • April 25 - Dr. Sal Mazzullo, Wichita State University: "Holocene Platform-Wide Dolomitization in Belize: A New Model for Some Ancient Dolomites - Fact or Fancy"
  • May 9 - Videotape Seminar 9:00 AM to 4:00PM: Interesting and educational geology tapes in the Kansas Geological Foundation Video Tape Collection
  • May 23 - James Kinser, Kansas State University: "Depositional Analysis of the Lower Skinner Sandstone on the Cherokee Platform of Payne County Oklahoma"